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Image by Pedro Lastra


Add Value2 your business today

Our consulting services and Value2 trainings revolve around 4 key tenants... 


  1. Results the best predictor of future performance is past performance.  Our team brings full spectrum Sales & Business Development experience/results to the table which means we have been where you want to go.  

  2. Value we are in the relationship business just like you, the quality of your relationships will determine the quality of your business.  We understand how to bring value to valuable people and focus on specific partnerships to achieve success, less is more.  Think of the top producers in your market, do they work with everyone or other high impact centers of influence?

  3. Integrity  your word is your bond.  We set expectation with every new hire & opportunity that we bring to the table.  When we match a company with a production partner our retention is 93% over the first 3 years.  

  4. Vision industry conditions are ever changing- Change=Opportunity... Where is the industry today? 6 months? 5 years?  What are your goals?  How are you educating your network to build value and relationship capital?  Are you a resource or a service?    

Value2 Real Estate Training
Value2 Real Estate Training
Time is TBD
Virtual Event
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